Friday 10 April 2015

Know the type, the type and how to care for hair that is Right!

Hello sis, this time to write a follow-up article mimin from articles yesterday. It's about tuh causes of damaged hair. In that article already peeled thoroughly mimin anything thing that becomes the cause of damaged hair, dry and branching. Well, in this article mimin want share info about hair again, i.e. on how to find out the type of hair .

Ketahui jenis rambut dan bagaimana cara melakukan perawatan rambut berdasarkan jenis rambut
SIS had not, doing hair care to the large cost but the result remained nil? If so we well ya hihi, previously had also been mimin. Buy this product was, until many ngeluarin good money, but what is gained? Yes Yes all, mimin even damaged hair. Eventually, disillusioned and blame mimin products mimin pake, pake banget nyesel mimin pokonya ntu products.
But a few days after that, coba deh mimin googling on google (not in bing), create nyari info about how to care for hair, and turns any mimin efforts to fruition. Mimin nemuin articles about "how to know what kind of hair and choosing the right treatment for the hair". In that article, it says that in taking care of our hair dont be perfunctory, why? Because the type everyone's hair is different, so that her treatment was different. Well, from there, apparently aware of mimin wrong it's not a product, but pake mimin mimin is wrong, because direct mimin pake without finding out beforehand the products nggaknya to match hair type mimin.
Well, since then, mimin so more selective in buying hair care products or conduct. That's what aspects influenced the writing of this article, because the mandatory sense mimin sista also know this info. Pretty curcolnya, yuk we refer to the explanation of How to know hair types the following:

How To Know What Kind Of Hair

As already mentioned above, that the mimin find out hair type is important. Then, how the heck How to recognize our hair type? the following the steps:

  1. First, you wash your hair with shampoo
  2. Grab a Kleenex and do stress on the middle part, striped, side head
  3. If there is oil in the tissue, which means it contains you hair hair type berminya, but if sebalinya, it means your hair including hair dry.
In addition to the above, there are ways of doing too many experts believed that theory, the following explanation:
  • In General, normal hair is owned by white-skinned people
  • Blacks, typically has a type of curly hair
  • However, if you have oily hair, but the head is dry, then your hair belongs to the type of combination hair

Determine the proper treatment for the hair

After knowing the type of hair, slanjutnya we will discuss bagaiaman's how to choose the right treatment for the hair? the following explanation:

1. Normal hair

This type of hair, usually owned by a white man and is the type of hair that way her treatment is not too difficult. Since the normal oil production (excess or no less), so the State will rambutpun normal and terusai beautifully. But that does not mean, however, free from the threat of damaged hair, therefore, perform routine maintenance and regular remains to be done in order for your hair to keep it healthy.

How to care for normal hair (normal hair):
  • avoid using hair dye/coloring and hair pengkritingan
  • do wash 2 days
  • use hair conditioner as needed
  • use daily shampoos containing Ph balanced

2. Dry Hair

Types of hair like this would normally unruly/combed, easily tangled and brittle hair so that it is easy to fall out. How to care for dry hair? Please refer to and perform the following steps:

How to care for dry hair (dry hair):

  • Use the shampoo products containing almond oil, olive oil or honey, because natural ingredients it contains vital nutrients that can hydrate the hair.
  • If you are having difficulty in getting the shampoo products, you can make your own shampoo using materials that have been mentioned. How, mix 2 tablespoons of honey with olive minya. To the maximum, can be also mixed with almond oil
  • Also use a conditioner after shampooing
  • avoid hair dye

3. Greasy hair

Basically, under normal circumstances the oil is beneficial for the hair, namely hair to keep the moisture so that the hair is not dry and damaged. But if too much oil is compensatory ritual are required, it is also not good. Oily hair type is caused by overactive oil glands so that dust and dirt easily stick and make damaged hair.
How to care for oily hair:
  • Clean the hair every day using shampoos containing acids like lemon extract, because such content can reduce excess oil so that the hair is not easy drenched.
  • When shampooing, leave on for 3-5 minutes, after that then rinsed
  • Use hair freshener, or commonly referred to as toner
  • Pat dry with a towel (required a towel completely dry and clean)
  • Avoid the use of conditioner on the roots of the hair, use the conditioner in the middle and ends of the hair only
  • Avoid combing the hair too often, to reduce the spread of the oil
  • Do massage on the head and hair by using 1 cup of lemon juice, then clean with warm water
  • Avoid consumption of foods that contain a lot of oil, and multiply eat vegetables
  • Avoid the use of hairdryer with heat

4. hair Combination

Combination hair is there is a lot of oil on the scalp, but on the ends of her hair dry and broken. To care for this type of hair, there are a few things to note, diantanya is as follows:
How to care for combination hair:
  • Avoid using a special shampoo for oily hair
  • Use a little shampoo only to the scalp while doing a light massage
  • For the section of hair you should use a deep conditioner
  • Rinse hair until it is completely clean

5. hair dandruff

To care for this type of hair, we recommend that you use this type of hair shampoos which contain menthol. Because these materials can prevent and minimize mold growth and stabilize Ph of the skin.
Oh yes, there might still be a friend who still do not know about what is "pH". Ph acidity degree of/tingkat is used to indicate the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution by.

Know your Hair Type men and women

The following are some typical hair of men and women you should know:

  1. Fine hair
  2. Curly Hair
  3. Coarse Hair
  4. Straight Hair
  5. Hair kriting
  6. Curly hair

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